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Virgo Ascendant

Your ascendant is Virgo Ascendant and it is the sixth indication of the zodiac. You will have a round face, very much framed body, bronzed appearance, dim eyes and hair. You have expansive shoulders and a great temple. You are dynamic and yearning. You are egotistical. You are enamored with contemplating and learning. You are skillful in business. You have great eyes. You are mild-mannered. You are extremely appended to your mate. You may confront some resistance from your siblings. You are extremely intrigued by arithmetic and science. You may have a bigger number of little girls than children. You look into strict deeds. You may venture out to numerous unfamiliar nations. You are entirely steady and have profound considerations. You are a loner. You might be glad in your youth however may experience to confront a few difficulties in the later piece of your life. You will advance and appreciate honor and popularity between the age of 32-36. You like changes and are precise and careful in your work. You are beneficent. Some of the time you may exhaust others by your itemized clarifications. You are energetic and speedy in your activities. You are enamored with getting information. You are extremely nostalgic and political. You don't discuss what is in your psyche and are not plain.

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